DIY Flavored Water

Even in my somewhat sheltered world, where I enjoy doing the bulk of my shopping at food co-ops, don't have a TV in the house and otherwise do as much as I can to shelter myself from the sensory overload of over-advertising culture, I've seen the hubbub about the various drops of flavor/color you can add to water to instantly turn it into a tasty treat.

Right away I knew that these products were excellent candidates for a DIY, healthier, nourishing version. I later learned, of course, that I was not the only one with this idea and I've since seen different supplement water ideas floating around in the cyber world. So here's my take on it.

Lemon, cranberry, sea-salt water.

Take half a lemon, 1/4 to 1/3 cup unsweetened cranberry juice, and a pinch of seasalt.

 Mix with a quart of water.


This is very sour, which is something I find enjoyable, but if you prefer you can add raw honey to taste. I still find that raw honey spikes my blood sugar too much, so I leave it out.

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  1. I love flavored water! Since I gave up sodas, I have been experimenting with a lot of different flavors; basil and blackberry, apple, sage and pomegranate, just about anything you can think might taste good together usually does! I am going to give your recipe a try next - thanks!

  2. I love lemon water, but this sounds so much more exotic. Thanks for sharing your recipe at Snickerdoodle Sunday -- hope to see you again next week! :)


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